Deductible Overview
The family deductible amount must be satisfied before any co-insurance takes effect. The family deductible may be satisfied by one family member or a combination of family members. There are no individual deductibles.
Aggregate family deductible not met
A single member of a family doesn’t have to meet the full family deductible for co-insurance to take effect. The person’s after-deductible benefits will take effect as soon as he or she has met the individual deductible. Once you meet the family deductible, everyone will receive after deductible benefits, even if not everyone has met the individual deductible.
Child has met their individual deductible
The Smith family has a $8,000 deductible.
Their medical bills this year: Dad $500
Mom $2,500
Child: $4,000
Total Deductible Met: $7,000
Email Katie Plush ([email protected]) or Vicki Barone ([email protected]) if you have any questions about the benefits or online enrollment process.